Садко - Новгородский Народный Ансамбль Песни И Пляски «Садко» = «Sadko» Novgorodian Folk Ensemble (7", EP)
Tax included.
Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
General notes about this release (please note: our version may differ a little. see the comments above):
Similar to [r=19044589, [r=28792381, different label side A.
Duplicated in English: «Sadko» Novgorodian Folk Ensemble
© Ленинградский завод грампластинок, 1979.
Зак. 227. Т. 70 000.
Цена 70 коп. Арт. 36-2
This version has the same sleeve as [r19044589, but the label is different, with a significantly smaller font size for the credits.
A1. Новгородские Рябины = Novgorod Roman-Trees 3:30
A2. Город Над Ильменем = The Town Over The Ilmen Lake 2:35
. Русские Народные Песни = Russian Folk Songs
B1. Горочки Валдаские = The Valday's Hills 2:03
B2. Тимоня (Плясовая) = Timonya (Dance Song) 2:55
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Other ГОСТ 5289-73
Matrix / Runout С22-10971/4-1
Matrix / Runout С22-10972/4-1
Copyright (c) Ленинградский Завод Грампластинок
Pressed By Ленинградский Завод Грампластинок